Reporter Reel


Check out my latest reporting work in the posts below.

Friday, May 22, 2009

ON-AIR VIDEO: Viewers Comment on "Frequent Flyers"

Here's what people are saying about the stories. The video is not quite how I wanted it to turn out, but okay anyway.

ON-AIR VIDEO: Frequent Flyer Investigation: Part Two

Here's part two of my "Frequent Flyers" investigation. This is by far the more powerful of the two pieces in my opinion. This exposes the Governor using the state planes for personal use. Check it out. Its definitely the most investigative and exposing story I've done.

ON-AIR VIDEO: Frequent Flyer Investigation: Part One

Here's part one of my investigation into Mississippi state officials' use of the state plane. It was part of a two part series that aired the final two nights of American Idol...our biggest ratings since our inception. Enjoy! Let me know what you think. These stories took more than a month of making phone calls, emails, requesting documents, interviews, shooting, writing, re-writing and editing. Not a lot of days off as I prepared these investigations all in the midst of my regular work!

Monday, May 4, 2009

ON-AIR VIDEO: Mississippi Takes Swine Flu Precautions

The Swine Flu we've all been hearing about is not in Mississippi of Sunday night. Schools, though are taking precautions in case the virus does spread here. Check out my latest reporting from Friday...randomly including my coloring skills. Enjoy.